The cat is out of the bag! 🙂 Our family is planning on moving to Mexico.
We’ll be visiting Mexico this summer to “scout out the land” for 6 – 7 weeks.
We’ll be investigating 3 different towns and hopefully selecting one to become our new home come December 2010.
The purpose of this blog is to help friends and family to learn more about the area and to understand “Why Mexico!?!?”
We’ll try to answer questions and relieve fears we commonly hear in this blog.
The first two towns which are next to each other are called:
- Ajijic (pronounced Ah-Hee-Heek) Pictures/Real Estate, Map, Videos
- Jocotepec Map
Both are located around the largest lake in Mexico, Lake Chapala (About). The lake measures about 50 miles wide and 12 miles tall, and is at an elevation of 5000 ft. It is located at the same latitude of Hawaii so shares much of the same flora & plants and delicious weather. National Geographic ranked the area as the 2nd best climate in the world
Ajijic is 45 minutes away from the 2nd largest city in Mexico, Guadalajara, which has top level doctors, hospitals, and health care, as well as an international airport. Guadalajara has many stores that you’ll find in the USA. (ie BestBuy, Home Depot, Sam’s Club, Chilis, etc…)
There are MANY thousands of USA and Canada residents who have retired here because of the many advantages the area has to offer such as weather, safety, convenience, lower cost of living, etc…
Read an article about the area from someone who moved with his 10 & 12 year old children and gives a good overview.
The third location is on the Pacific coast and is called Manzanillo (Map Pictures Beaches ). This is a beautiful coastal community that isn’t as touristy as it’s northern neighbor Puerto Vallarta which is a few hundred miles to the north.
So these are the areas we’ll be visiting and checking out.
Keep coming back as we will be updating the site.
So….. you still didn’t answer the basic question of Why? Financial? Spiritual? Wanting to live in better weather? Fleeing from the law? 🙂
Yes to all the above except for the fleeing from the law part 🙂
We’ll be adding more information and details.
Love the new header!
You guys are always a step ahead and cutting edge! I might just follow your lead, since I’m sure you’ve already researched this up and down, left and right! :> That’s the great part about having a ‘Guru’ in the family! RACE YA TO THE BEACH!!!
I heard that the border control has more people exiting the country than trying to get in these days. tee hee.
I am a long time need-greater (currently secretary in a Spanish-speaking congregation in WA) who will be in Mexico this fall to see where help may be needed in English groups. Might you have the telephone number of any elder in the Lake Chapala area who is in an English congregation?
Thanks for another great post on this program. Love the updates, keep them coming.