So we’re driving down south and I see a sign that says BIG ZACK’S FIREWORKS. I had to take a picture for my best friend ever, Zack Tiplady. Hope you like it Zack! I’ll bring home some fireworks for you. (-;
The convention isn’t be the same without you! And just remember those 4 sentences we both laugh about. “LETS GO TO MICKEY-DEES!” “I HOPE I GET A COOL TOY!” “I WANT MY HAPPY MEAL NOW!” “I WANT A MEEEEILK SHAKE!” -Austin Michael Enos
hi austin, very funny picture . right now i’m in my hotel with fireworks going off outside. The convention is awesome so far! Hope you have a good time in Mexico! Cole T. Max says hi to the kids and he likes bananas?!
Hey Austin, when did you start drinking Rolling Rock? 🙂
Hah… Mike slipped that in right before the pic was taken 🙂
A shout out to Zack! BTW, I don’t think you were in Mexico when this picture of Austin was taken and last I checked the legal drinking age was 21 here. 🙂
Your kids are going to have to wait a few more days before that is legal!
We miss you Ginger Kitty and India.
Ha, we were wondering if anyone would notice Mike’s beer. 🙂
yea, me thinks thou doth protest too much. tee hee