Tom and Tamar -it was wonderful to sit on the floor and visit with you guys and drink mango “juice”. 😉 Even though we could only spend a short time, each hour of it is precious and encouraging.

Austin has waited his “whole life” to go through Austin, TX. We did it today!

We drove through Dallas (very cool looking buildings and corporate home a many BIG companies), Waco, Austin, San Antonio. If you want to grab a map, we drove down route 35.
We are in Laredo, Texas and staying at a fun little hotel. Rooms are clean. There is a pool. Walmart is 3 blocks away. The kids enjoyed free hotdogs, nachos, and lemonade. There is free beer from 6-8 and Mikee enjoyed an awesome T-bone steak. If anyone is thinking of coming down this way (hahaha) we do recommend this place. It’s not luxury but it’s nice.
Tonight we get some stuff at Walmart, change some dollars to pesos and let the kids go in the pool. We had miles and miles and miles of “big sky” country. Laredo is a bustling border town -lots of stores and restaurants. And lots and lots of big trucks.
Mikee actually said he has been enjoying the drive!!! 🙂 It has been a lot of miles but there are no crazy traffic jams of “loco” drivers. This isn’t like driving through congested 95 with all the traffic and crazy roads. These are all very well maintained highways with speed limit of 75. I am not telling you his actual driving speed -let’s just leave it that the posted signs are for 75.
PS- Jill and Laurel -we rode in the “anchovy lane” all morning in Dallas.
ohh I’m so glad to hear the drive is going well! I think about you guys often and cringe when I picture all those miles with restless children – but living around here, you tend to forget that rhode island/mass drivers are in a class entirely of their own, and there are other parts of the country where drivers are actually considerate and defensive. (I learned to drive when I moved to Canada, pretty much)
love you guys! hugs from all of us!