While I work in my outside office 🙂 I kept hearing the most interesting bird song.
It sounds like a descending scale.
Camille finally was able to record it Sunday night while the sun was setting.
You can really hear it around the 0:17 second mark on the video below.
[youtube 7gYkiHBjmFw]
Hey all you Enos’…Just want you to know that we are addicted to your blog. We look forward to our daily fix of your Enos adventure. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you Thank you so much for sharing. We love you guys and can’t wait to finish reading your blog—tnt
Hello Enos’,
What is your SKYPE username? I tried using your email address: Camille@EnosFamily.com but it wasn’t right….
My username is neeners2
So nice seeing all of you again today at our meeting. Have a safe trip back, keep in touch, and feel free to email or SKYPE anytime with questions or concerns. My Vonage number is: 509-855-7117 (Washington state number) You can use that too. But SKYPE is definitely the way to go!!
hugs, nina