Selena made a new friend when we visited a local school… a MANGO.
When she got in the car she said she couldn’t buckle herself because she was holding her new friend… a mango.
Never heard that excuse before. 😉
Now Austin wants to bring home a bunch of mangos so he can use them for excuses why he can’t bring out the trash, do homework, clean his room, etc… 🙂
[youtube 1Wl4hOVZRgU]
PS to all our new friends in Jocotepec… As we head out to Manzanillo we want to give special thanks for the special week. 🙂 You all made our family feel so welcome and at home. We appreciated your kind and generous hospitality. Thanks for all the great advice and your concern and interest in our family’s plans, trip, and future. We greatly enjoyed your voluminous singing 🙂
GREAT video! I knew I loved mangos for some super reasons!!! Enjoy your trek to Mansanillo!
he he have a great time!