While we were near Lake Chapala we had very temperate weather. (remember Mikee’s previous blog post about this being documented as the second best place for weather in the entire world) Everyone asked us “Why go to Manzanillo?”
Well, we live very near the ocean. The beautiful ocean. We just love it!
The beaches of Manzanillo just beckon us to check it out. Everyone says, “It’s so hot!” Tell that to our friends and family back in Rhode Island and Massachusetts where it’s been over 90 and humid for weeks! So, we just had to see for ourselves.
Yes, it’s hot. But not unbearable.

And it’s pretty too. The sand of the beaches are a golden color. The coastline looks like the number 3. And each of those crescents has different beaches. There are waves with strong (read “risky”) waves and undertow -lots of surfers here. Then the tops of each crescent hosts beaches with gently sloping lines and easy waves just great for kids.
This evening we sat and watched the local kids on their wakeboards riding the waves as they hit the shore and also the surfers riding in from way out where the big waves lift out of the ocean.
[youtube mik-f49C6NI]
[youtube Rn9YWVflYOg]
There is a huge port in the next bay over and during the day we see large boats waiting their turns to get into that port.
I hear there is a black sand beach on the port side also but I don’t know if we will get to it on this trip.
It was enjoyable to sit back and watch the kiddos (and Mikee) enjoy the surf and sand.
[youtube CzDX6kKu8Hc]
Oh, how I miss the ocean! I haven’t been to the beach in sooo long. By any chance, are you bringing any sand back? I know a certain family member who collects the stuff. ; )
This just in………… It’s official, your missed in Ajijic!
Thanks for puting Jack and us together Mike. He’s a great bro