Have you enjoyed reading the blog?
We love to get your comments. It keeps us feeling connected to home. So, please feel free to leave a comment -we LOVE to hear from you.
Speaking of home… just because we are 3500+ miles from home, does not mean you all are far from our hearts.
Even as we have been away on this trip, we are still very aware of the joys and tribulations going on. Waiting on babies to be born. Thoughts and prayers with families who have lost loved ones to old age and terrible sickness. Waiting to hear the news of test results from surgery and treatment. And just the everyday happenings.
The heart does not feel distance and we love each of you so very, very much.
We love you too! Can’t wait for you to get home!
What beautiful statement, I think the same way the heart never forget you have some close distant friends but some no matter the distance or the time you can pick up that conversation right where you left off, please know that you all are never far from our thoughts or our hearts, we hope for your safe return and long nights of stories. Love you more than you know.
George and Becca
PS really wish you were here this week AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH(thats me screaming and pulling out my hair)
After finalliy getting to your web site, I have decided I am coming down ther and you WILL have to adopt me and my family. Bethany is a great cook and I (well i’m sure I can do something) and Jackson can find bugs and other chritters. Glad to hear thinks are going well.. Have FUN
w10 9/15 31 – “What a blessing it is to be active in Jehovah’s service. You can do nothing better than give of your time and strength in the important work of teaching and preaching the good news. Are there ways that you personally can expand your share in this life saving ministry?….Whatever adjustments you can make to expand your share in the ministry, you can be assured that Jehovah will richly bless you. -Pr. 10:22.”
Read this recently and made me think of you. You are a real encouragement to us!
Don’t worry “Franc,” I will help Becca! But I wish you were here too!!
We will have lots of stories to tell! 🙂
Love you lots,
As easy as it is to be in a beautiful place, I’m sure it’s hard too… sometimes we all just want to reach out and hug our brothers and sisters in need… Soon enough… Have a safe trip “home”. xo Alison
I finally figured out how to leave a message on your blog!! Pretty sad. glad to see you guys are having a good time . We do miss you very much . When you get back you will have to show me how that skype thing works. See you soon.
We are very happy that you have been able to undertake this first step in an almost life long
plan. There is nothing better than to experience this as a family, as a “team”. Whatever the future brings, where ever the road leads you, you will always have these wonderful memories and experiences to draw from. Thank you for taking all of us with you, and sharing
these moments with us. Be safe on your journey. We love you.
I wish I had a mango.
hi everyone! we’re so happy for you and inspired by your move. we’ll be following your adventures.
Hi there, we have mutual friends, Britt and Mike M. She gave me a link to your site and thought I might like it since we are doing something very similar though not as daring. We are moving to Puerto Rico to help out in English in a little congregation of 38. We have 3 kids too, girls ages 2,5 and 10. I read your sideline about why you chose Mexico and I cried 🙂 We have always dubbed ourselves “Team Weaver”. We even do a group hug and count off and when we get to 5 we yell “WEAVERS” and everyone hugs and kisses! My husband loves Central America and Spanish culture, well I could go on but needless to say we have a lot in common. I would love to pick your brain about your move a little further so if you want you can email me back. Our projected move date is Jan 1st. Congratulations on doing something so wonderful for Jehovah and your family. Your posts are really encouraging!!
Hey enos clan! Miss ya’ guys and sending lots of love from the Antonelli clan! Hope all is going well. Cams, we should try to talk today or tomorrow.
Muchas smoochas all!
Em and Ad
where are you???
Hey Enos Family!!
Just wanted to say hello! (we met at J&K’s house when you were first sharing the exciting Mexico news 😉
Your stories are truly an encouragement and Ben and I share them with other friends in our hall — thanks for sharing!!! Seeing what an impact this trip is having on your children only confirms what we feel in our heart as well — that being need greaters bring SO MANY blessings!!
Please keep the stories up!! 🙂
Hey guys! Its been great following your trip. Thanks for creating this so we don’t miss you guys……as much! 😉 Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Hi guys!!
This is so cool! Thanks for all the running commentary and pictures! I’m so happy for you all and the experience your giving your children! That being said we do miss you on the street! I wish I had a computer and a blog when my Mom and I drove all the way to New Orleans to go get my baby stuff from my sister. We may have had a less bumpy ride if I had been occupied with something like this instead of Katie whining, my Mom complaining to me about it and my hip, back and bladder screaming under the weight of Carolyn in my belly….. gosh Emily was an angel on that trip, forgot she was there most days! Keep up the good work and I’ll check back soon! I’m so glad you posted the address on FB, I lost the card you gave me!
Kiss those kids for me and take good care, we all love you so very much too! <3
Great blog , thanks for the post!