We began the looong drive home. (did I mention long?) Originally we planned to leave Monday but had some last minute stuff to do in town -like get the oil changed and the car ready for the ride.
We are heading to Saltillo tonight. About 12 hours of driving. Tomorrow we will drive the last 4 hours or so to the US border and then head to San Antonio, Texas for the night.
Have a safe trip. Hopefully no floods and road blocks on the way back in.
Have a safe trip home! I look forward to seeing all of you again! – I do go on your website every so often and try to catch up with your travels. I love reading your blogs and looking at your pictures. It makes me want to start planning my next trip! Happy trails!
Welcome back!!! Thanks for your message, we cannot wait to see you!!!
Hooray! That means we’ll be seeing you soon! I’m going to miss these blog updates, unless of course you keep them up while you are here, before you leave us once again… sniff sniff…
Don’t you need to go through North Carolina to get home???
Sounds like all our friends in Rhode Island are anxious to see you again.
If you are coming through NC let us know! We’ll have you guys over. We would love to hear all the adventures. You can even bring Sue Ann and Shannon.