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Selena with her twin dolly "Kitt"

Selena with her twin dolly "Kitt"

Have you met our Ginger Kitty?

We love her to pieces.  Our little Selena Lilly calls herself Ginger Kitty.  At least she used to.  (in fact, most everyone that knows her also calls her Ginger Kitty)  Last week she figured out the the spanish word for kitty is gato.  On her very own she decided that she should now be called Ginger Gatito.

Oh, and she also meows in spanish now too.  Can you say meow-ito?

[youtube RXnBCsdsB6A]

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Steph January 3, 2011, 6:23 pm

    I just love it! Nothing quite like the gems that come from an innocent 4 yr. old! So cute!

    Drive safe…We’re thinking of you!

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