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Today (Tuesday) we cross the border.

We spent the night in San Antonio which is 155 miles from the Columbia Bridge crossing.  So far, we don’t expect any flooding like last time.  🙂  I always pictured Mexico being flat and desert looking but our trip this summer proved otherwise.  Within a couple hours of getting into Mexico we will be high up in mountains.  The plan is to get to Saltillo and spend the night.  Saltillo has hotels and restaurants and is a good stopping point.  Then, on Wednesday we will be driving the final leg of our trip to reach Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico.

Whew!  This state is big.  We figure you can put the state of Rhode Island inside Texas 257 times -it’s true, we googled it.  🙂  One highway travels 800 miles across the state.  800 miles!!!

Even the rest area/welcome centers are extra large -and super nice

But we enjoyed a delicious lunch.  I had my first Sonic burger and cherry limeade in January of 1998 and have been in love ever since.  🙂

The last time we drove through Texas we stayed mostly on the major interstate, but this time Mikee opted to drive a route that was more direct but is more of the small litte state routes kind of road.  There is a lot of open land available.  (we saw a sign for 14 acres of land for just $750 down.  it has a lot of trees and would provide enough firewood for life …or you could start your own toothpick business)  On this land are large ranches with cattle dotting the landscape or rv trailers that people live in full time or oil wells churning up and down.  The towns are small (we passed a sign that said “population 471”) and schools are done by county.  The high schools are very new looking with huge football stadiums.    The roads do not have streetlights and are very dark.

Not much to say that’s interesting -we were churning out miles.  The kids are doing great.  Especially considering how tightly we are all packed into the car.  We have every single inch of space used.  When we stop to get some food, we have to dispose of the trash from that food asap.  There’s not even room for a Sonic wrapper.  🙂

Not sure where and when we will have wifi the next couple days but we’ll be back in touch as soon as we can.  Hopefully the wifi is all set and waiting for us in our new home.

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Ben January 4, 2011, 12:26 pm

    Have fun, Wish we were there with you!!!

  • Elly January 4, 2011, 1:36 pm

    Hope your settling in is alot less stressful than your packing up and leaving was. We miss you. Enjoy your new digs.

  • Rebecca and George Duarte January 4, 2011, 2:05 pm

    Didn’t you know everything is bigger in TEXAS. Got to love that, boy oh boy do I have a hankering for a cherry limeade there is nothing better, no I am drooling. Got to love Sonic, miss you a ton hope the rest of the trip is great and you arrive safe and sound. Give our love to all the little ones and Mikee too.
    George and Becca
    PS, we missed seeing bows at the assembly made it look empty. : )

  • Jill January 4, 2011, 3:59 pm

    I’m glad you got your Sonic burger! Have you seen the Whataburgers there? Huge burgers! They automatically put mustard on them. After you cross into Mexico will you say “In Your Face United States”???? Good thing you signed a lease for a year because after this trip you will not want to go anywhere for a long time!! Ha! Miss you all!

  • Christina B. January 4, 2011, 5:04 pm

    Hi Enos Family!
    I love reading your blogs! I almost feel like I’m on a journey with you! Thank you for posting pictures too… It’s lovely to see all of your faces! I miss you already! Glad your trip back down seems to be going just the way you hoped!! Many ((hugs)) and kisses to you all! Keep blogging! 🙂 x

  • nicole palanzi January 5, 2011, 3:24 pm

    Thanks for the update and pictures.i think about you every day and pray for a safe trip.Cami you do love those sonic I can see it in your eyes YUM! Mike looks very confused in the picture and the kids look like they stop to do some street witnessing??You guys look real good>Miss You!
    love you your dear big sister Nicole

  • Peter Nickerson January 19, 2011, 3:07 am

    Hello Mike,

    I live in Torreon Coahuila just 2 hours west of Saltillo and serve as an elder there. Somehow my wife found your blog. Wehad met on a few occasions through th epast years as my wife’s family was brought into the truth by the Owens and she grew up with Jen Enos. We are originally from New Bedford Dartmouth area and the funny thing is John and Kathy Peckham live in Saltillo just minutes from where you stayed. Small world. The Ronan’s are down there in Ajijic now and have invited us to vist so maybe we will cross paths once again. Anyways, welcome to Mexico!

    • admin January 19, 2011, 3:27 am

      hi pete. small world indeed! we met ronan’s -their kids are the same ages as ours. we are actually in jocotopec cong -next to ajijic. how in the world did you find our blog? nice visiting. hopefully our paths will cross even closer.

  • Pete & Ginnie January 22, 2011, 3:01 pm

    My wife likes to search for blogs under “needgreater (country) and then she often comes across places we are or have been. Evidently she googled you and said, “hey we know them, sort of.”

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