The Enos family went to bed last night with the hopeful expectation that our “stuff” will arrive today.
Well, sadly, no.
Mikee received an email saying…
Good morning Mike.
The delay is caused because there is a problem with the electronic validation process of Mexico Customs.
Our broker was with them yesterday and hopefully this will be fixed today.
It doesn’t seem to be a problem with our items on the truck, just the validating of the paperwork to release the items. Not sure if this means up at the border or in nearby Guadalajara.
The good news is that it gives us another day to try and get this house ready and more items moved out into storage in preparation.
But, the kiddos have been looking forward to seeing some familiar books and playthings to help them transition into their new home. And, we have been living out of just a couple suitcases (for a family of 5!) for 3 weeks now. (plus, their lives were packed up way back early in December in prep for the move)
So, we continue to wait…
Last night we had a great dinner with friends -some who have been living here for quite a while and some who are considering making the move. With me was the ever present notebook to get the scoop from people “in the know”.
-how to hang pictures on these concrete/stucco walls? (drill a hole and use an anchor & there should be no problem)
-where to get local honey? (a liter container with no chemicals sells for $4) A guy actually walks around with a wheelbarrow and a hive -now that’s fresh!
-where to buy furniture? (you can get custom wood and metal work done for furnishings, light fixtures, & just about anything)
-how much is it to buy trees and plants for the yard? (the nurseries sell rose bushes that bloom year round for $1 and a 5 ft lime tree with fruit for around $5)
-can you sell extra items here on consignment? (yes! and for more than in the US because they are hard to come by. best bet is an ad at Super Lake)
Julie and Bernice also filled me in on the best Zumba class in town and recommend Costco for the best prices on some US items you just can’t live without.
By removing a lot of the stress of the US pace of life, there is opportunity to just “be” with people whether you are shopping, in service, or sitting to visit.
It’s a great way to find out the little things that help us to acclimate to our new home. It’s a great way to get to know people. It’s a great way for our family to be able to grow closer.
We will not be bored here because there are many things that take longer to do. But we will not be as rushed either.
…and that’s cool with me.
We have been following the news about the violent shooting in Tuscon and the response of the gov’t to attempt to clamp down on freedom of speech even further. (By the way, aren’t you guys afraid to live with all the violence in the US. Please be very careful!) 😉
Yeah Zumba! Believe it or not they actually have a gym here in my little town of 2,061 and there is a Zumba class 3 nights a week. Enjoy!
QUITE AN ADVENTURE ! What’s gas cost?
good old playdough.It’s just the best. Miss you guys love you forever.
ZZzzzzzzumbaa! I can see you all doing it on Friday nights in the living room. 🙂