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While in Guadalajara we had to get passport style pictures for the kids school ids.  You have probably had these kind of photos taken -specific white background, certain size, face in center.  The Guadalajara Pharmacy (kind of like a Mexican version of CVS) is the place that does this.  The cost is 25 peso per kiddo. (cost $6.20 for all 3) Our friend that came along to be our tour guide that day (and thank you so much David.  that was a long day.) is a real life professional photographer.  He was getting a kick out of this “cut & paste” set up.  Especially when they had to keep moving the backdrop because Kitty is so little -they ended up having a guy just hold it.  But, we got the job done.  Another thing off the checklist.  The cost was cheap by pesos but quite an investment of time.

[youtube 3hF6Vti3oOs]

[youtube Q55bDo3meoI]

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • DAD March 4, 2011, 9:46 am


  • Marge and Herb March 4, 2011, 2:26 pm

    We are thrilled for all of you, but we will also miss seeing you.
    Please keep us posted on how things are going.
    Christian love,
    Herb and Marge

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