We waved good-bye to our friends Chad and Ellice today.
::sniff sniff::
Have a safe journey. Keep us posted on your new adventures.
They are our neighbors, our friends, and just great people.
What will Mikee do without the Raquet Club Guru to show him the ropes?
They moved here 4 1/2 years ago from the States to serve in the English field. He told us the other day that in that time they have studied the Bible with 50 different individuals. They are on their way back to the States, not because they no longer enjoy it here in Mexico but to reach out for a privilege that requires they live in the US.
Plus, our kids are such great friends with their kids, Macie and Chica.

Thank you so much for the groceries in the house when we first came, and your super hero help when we had water pouring all over the place, and the fun visit to tianguis, and the helpful insights into day to day activities, and our first taste of horchata, and the cool rattle snake experience, and entrusting us with Macie, and the tips about Puerta Vallarta, and the nights around the fire, and the corny jokes. Especially the corny jokes.
Is it possible that this has just been a couple months?
Our going away gift to you…
We have said good-bye to so many friends over the years. Not really good-bye. More like “see you later.” And I should be used to the little feeling that travels from my stomach to my throat. But I’m just a mush inside.
The good thing is that when you see a good friend, it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, you just pick right back up in conversation where you left off. Love that! Friendship transcends time and distance.
Happily, our children are learning that life lesson too.
Mikee and I have always welcomed opportunities to meet new people and nurture and maintain friendship. I think it is one of the most blessed gifts.
People… they are so interesting. Everyone has different way of thinking and acting. But everyone (no matter who your are and where you are from and how old you are) has the common need to be loved and cared about. The more we show that, the more happiness we will feel.
And the truth of the matter is that you don’t really lose friends you say “see you later” to but you continue to find new wonderful people to share life with.
Many people we know spend all their time watching instead of jumping in. Maybe it’s fear of failure or making a fool of themself. Well, I can speak as pretty close to an expert as you will find on fear, failure, and foolishness. 😉 But I wouldn’t change a thing!
That is what life is about! The thrilling feeling of accomplishment when you did something super fabulous. The disappointment when things could have gone better. The aggravation when things don’t go as expected and even Plan “B” turns into Plan “C”, or gets scrapped all together! 🙂 The rush from laughing along with others at your own silliness. The heartbreak of loss. The unspeakable joy of watching good things happen to a dear friend. If we don’t feel all of these emotions we cannot really say we are alive. Just existing.
Let’s all enjoy the opportunities that each day provides.
It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.
– Dale Carnegie

Hi..very beautiful post. I’m a people person and love to jump in! So I agree with what you said wholeheartedly! I’m from Ohio but currently in Nicaragua for a few months to serve. I admire your whole family. The experience will be like no other and never to be forgotten. May you continue to encourage others. May Jah bless you always. Your sister from the amazing brotherhood we have!
Hey Enos Family,
Soo true! I have a good friend, Henry Cullen, sort of like a girl friend to me growing up, may know him from quick builds, I’m sure of it. Anyway, he would always say see you later and goods friends even thought they may not see each other for a while, when they revisit they pick up where they left off. It is so true of him and his wife Jodie, for all of our dear friends in the truth. I know it will be the same when we see you guys again, although new friends, it is having Jehovah in common that unites and bonds us. Don’t be sad new more wonderful friends will step in their shoes until you meet again.
So sounds like the adventure is just beginning.
Warm christian love Lauren, Frank, Brianna, and Braeden
Hello from Louisiana! Thank you so much for this beautiful post. You’re not alone – I also get that funny feeling in my stomach that moves to my throat. It’s there now…
But our trip is going well. One funny story – at the border – on teh USA side – they asked if we had a person hiding is the middle of our car, like where all our boxes were. Of course, we said no – though I wished some of friends and the pups were hiding in there! So we made it across and ate at Olive Garden in Laredo then on to San Antonio. We were so exhausted. Today was only 7 and 1/2 hours and we surviived. Tomorrow is about 7 and Sunday 6. So we’re almost there -kind of. We will miss your family – you really are the best neighbors I’ve ever had! And I know you will enjoy Mike and Blanca and having Macie back! Keep in touch and I will too! Can’t wait to pick up where we left off! Love you ALL!
🙂 Happy to hear your trip is going safely and smoothly. We ARE very happy for you! And we will definitely “SEE YOU LATER”