Did you think we forgot about keeping up with the blog? Sorry. Lots to show and tell -still want to get some pictures of our trip to Puerta Vallarta up and funny stories about our everyday experiences.
The days are very full now with the whole home-schooling thing and had an RBC (yes, I found the loophole to being non-Mexican and still work RBC) project and then we traveled 5 hours by bus to Morelia for an assembly over the weekend and had to pack all the various clothes and food and paraphernalia for that.
This week, we will have our friends Dylan and Sydney staying with us. Very excited about that. Last week I was trying to get ahead of the game and picked up the various food things we would need to make life easier. (easier in that it’s time consuming to get some food items here and I knew I would be tired after all that’s been going on)
Pat on the back for planning ahead!
Kick in the butt for reality.
My freezer door popped open while we were gone all weekend (and the house is about 90 degrees) even though it was duct taped and now all my great plans are thrown in the garbage. Phooey! Back to town. Buy more stuff.
If you are in the States you may be thinking, “Hey Camille. Get with the program.” Unless you have lived outside the US you cannot really understand that our pace of life is so different here and therefore our expectations of what can get accomplished each day has been drastically reduced. It’s not terrible. And we really are doing very well. But sometimes it still is very frustrating.
Oh, and I am sick. Having some trouble breathing. Spent Sunday of assembly in first aid. The good news is there are 2 actual doctors there. One wrote a prescription and Mikee went to the store conveniently located across the street. But they were out of stock. So was the next pharmacy. Then he caught a ride with a buddy to another spot in town and finally picked it up. But it wasn’t working either. So, 3 pharmacies and 4 different meds later and no sleep for trouble breathing and achy body from the coughing -I am not looking forward to the 5 hours on the bus feeling sick. Thanks to Seth & Laura for letting me ride home with their family. We got home 2 hours before Mikee with the kiddos and all the luggage who rode on the bus.
We really enjoyed assembly and visiting with old friends and making some new ones.
I will get back to the business of the blog after the doctor and food gathering and school work is done.
See you soon! 🙂
PS- Hey Megan, we met your friend Sherry. Actually she found Mikee and said, “Hey, your Mike Enos.” To which he replied, “Yes I am.”

Just a short note to let you know how much we apprreciate you notes and updates.
We are havig some showers today. I can’t wait for the June-August warmth.
Don’t like the dampness.
We have been having some health problems, but are getting through them.
Just need some sunshine.
Love to all,
Marge and Herb
Great photo of the kids.
Keep on keeping on. Sorry about that freezer door….ugh. I remember trying to wash cloth diapers in a Japanese washer we had bought from the branch….a spin-tub type…and no dryer at first. THEN, found out, that if you hang the clothes out to dry in Africa, you really should iron each and every piece, because flies could lay their eggs on the clean wet clothes, then when you put them on, the warmth of your body will make them hatch!!!!! (We went out and bought a dryer REAL FAST….) Then we thought, oooh, we’ll buy a nicer washer from the same place. Front loader…south african….the door leaked if it filled just a tad too much. Yeah, things can be REALLY frustrating in a 3rd world country. And not as easy to fix as some might think. But you know….those aren’t the things we usually remember. I just was reminded by your comments. We remember all the good things, the friends, the culture, the service. I am SO proud of your family and excited to be able to read your experiences.
Five hour bus ride to the circuit assembly, phew! Did it catch on fire? 🙂
Reminds me of my first week staying at your house. We came home Friday to find the downstaris freezer had been left ajar the night before – pizza and ice cream for everyone 🙂 Hope you feel better soon ! Was your assembly outside by any chance? Scott’s cousin Jennifer lives down there and was just at an assembly this weekend too and I was wondering if it was the same one.
hmmm… jess. that would be funny if we bumped into each other. our assembly was inside a nice auditorium. is jennifer in english?
Hope you feel better soon!
I am envious of the kids tans! ;). Feel better and have a blast with your company.
Hey Cami, Hope this finds you feeling better.