I am super proud of how well our family has done of fitting in here. We shop the local markets and eat the local food. Each of us have some favorite items and some things that we, ah, choose to avoid. 😉
We do have a Walmart nearby that we visit.
Now in all the years of having a family and feeding lots of guests and organizing and managing large events and weddings, I have never had a membership to a “big box” store. Until now.
Can you believe that here in Mexico (which we came to in part to avoid the US style of commercialism -heehee) Mikee and I became card carrying members of…
This is total big box American style shopping. I’m not gonna lie, it was very enjoyable to go up each and every single isle. In the months we spent getting ready for this trip we did a lot of shopping! Even at that, most of the shopping I did back home was online. So this was a rare treat. I went with a girlfriend while the kiddos stayed home and kept Mikee out of trouble.
We are now “all set” with cereal, toilet paper, paper towels, tuna, and even some Pop-Tarts for the kids. And then the fun of getting a hot dog and soda on the way out. The funny thing was we ran into 6 other friends while there. They showed no mercy in joking about everything in my cart. They said it was squeaking under all the weight. 🙂
Thanks for coming Amy. That was fun.
If you are coming down to the area, don’t worry… your USA Costco & Sam’s membership cards will work in Mexico.

The strange thing is, i went into Sam’s Club here and felt like I was in Mexico! I guess b/c going there was such a treat – a taste of “home”. Thanks for the posts!