Here’s a cool fact…
Interesting people from different countries read this blog. Lots of them -people AND countries. We are happy to have caught your eye and hope you continue to enjoy reading about life here in Mexico. Feel free to share ENOSFAMILY.COM.
We are receiving quite a few inquiries from people who are ready to expand their horizons and experience life outside the comfort zone they have been accustomed too.
To you I say, “Congratulations!”
I am working my best to be able to get the answers to your questions and respond to you as quickly as possible. That is, as quickly as possible in Mexico time.
We used to live a life that was characterized by
- precise time management skills
- finely-tuned attention to details
- organizational ability
- efficiency, efficiency, efficiency
And now???

HA ha HA ha HA ha
Now I no longer even wear a watch because to be aware of the time factor during our day would just drive me crazy. There is no way you can gauge how long things will take and time just melts. It actually almost doesn’t exist. Also in the interest of maintaining some sanity I have learned to not even pay attention to details of things and that nothing happens in any kind of organized manner and life here is the antithesis of efficiency.
Actually, I am very proud of how well both Mikee and I do here in a lifestyle that basically took our normal mode of operation and just …well, roofdogged it. (not understanding the “roofdog” expression? you will just have to search through some previous posts for that one.) 😉
We say this over and over again… things are different. That does not mean bad. But it does mean that you cannot expect to transition to life here without any bumps (or topes) in your day to day life.
We are so excited to get your emails and hear how our little adventures are helping you decide that you think you want to try something a little different.
Here are the top 3 important things you need to take into consideration if you are considering moving to another country…
- You MUST MUST MUST visit the area you want to move to
- Try to learn as much of the local LANGUAGE as possible
- Simplify as much of your life as possible BEFORE you begin the moving process
As much as you try to be prepared for life in a new country there is still an enormous amount of adjustment. Still, it is important to focus on the positive benefits of this experience.
- Simplifying you life can improve your health and give you a sense of freedom you could never attain before
- Your family will be drawn together as you all work together for a common goal
- At the very least you have opened your horizons -which is something very few people will ever do
And even if you find you must return “home” you will always feel a sense of accomplishment that you were able to “reach out” and see life outside of the box. You will be forever changed. You will see life in a whole new way.
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
– Lou Holt