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The Lake Chapala area is teeming with an array of dining experiences. There are so many restaurants that you could eat out every night and enjoy a myriad of different choices for months and months.

Most of the non-Mexican population here is retired and they tend to have more time to enjoy the sumptuous fare offered.  But we have been enjoying visiting some of the eating establishments when we can.

Some of our favorites include…


VIVA MEXICO (best pozole)


TONY'S (best arrachera)


TABARKAL (yummy fish combo lunch)


We are big fans of…


Their fish tacos are de-lish!!!

There are funny signs -but I guess people can't figure some things out themself

The owner might come across a little gruff but we think he’s great. The kiddos LOVE the ribs (costillas) and the owner come’s up and cuts the girls food real gentle. He’s nicer than he gets credit for. 🙂


A new place that just opened is LAKE TACO right in Ajijic across from Walmart.  They have super fresh seafood and a slight twist on old favorites.


we have really really wanted to have a nice dinner at

Since last July we hear raving reviews of this restaurant.  We finally made it.  Took us over a year to get here.  We ended up having a date night for our anniversary.  All by ourselves.  What a treat!

There is a neat area right in Ajijic Centro that is packed full of little fruit vendors and artist studios and jewelry shops and tourist places just a block up from the lake.  Tango restaurant is located right in the heart of all this.

The unmistakable logo for TANGO restaurant


Artwork lines the walls


Available for purchase


We even bumped into friends...


...and their guests from the States


We are accustomed to the heavy police presence. They do a great job keeping things safe.


An ice cream nightcap


How was it?

It lived up to it’s reputation.  The service was perfectly attentive, there was water on the table (a rare thing down here), the food was delectable.  I am without a single negative thing to say.

Except that I hope it’s not another year until we can visit there again.



{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Jill October 15, 2011, 10:15 pm

    Hey guys! So glad you had a date night!! You both look great!

  • Tony Cardillo October 15, 2011, 10:33 pm

    You both look great and moms and dads need regular nights out, sorry kiddos.I dream of going there one day but for now enjoy seeing the sights thru your eyes.The artwork is beautiful, no shortage of talented people in the area.Thanks again.

  • DAD October 16, 2011, 11:58 am

    Enjoyed the visit, you all look healthy and happy. The kids are getting BIG!

  • Sue Ann October 16, 2011, 7:30 pm

    You guys were never much for eating out anyway. Thanks for the pics. Camile you look fabulous!

  • Debbie Mojica October 16, 2011, 8:35 pm

    That’s where we want to go on double date night (after we go on our date to the bank). It must be so exciting circling the block outside the bank while your husband goes inside to conduct “business”. I was just wondering…when he get’s back in the car does he yell “Go, go, go!” as you speed away?

  • Ellice Skretvedt October 17, 2011, 5:52 pm

    O Man! You hit all our favorite places too! Hands down, Tango is our absolute FAVE! And I do love the fish tacos and Magana … mmmm good! Can’t wait to eat at Tony’s too… in January!

  • nicole palanzi October 20, 2011, 9:25 pm

    Thanks so much for all the pictures,keeps me able to picture some very dear friends of mine.You both look great so pretty so handsome and love those smiles.Glad the restaurant was what you expected.(keep looking up!!!)
    Love you guys so much

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