I cannot believe it was a week ago that we packed up and left the States to come back to Mexico.

He is GREAT at tetris (wink wink to Jess)

The most excellent explorers ever

Little did we know that 1 day would turn into 2 of travel -and lost luggage
Good news! The airline found our 12 missing bags!
Mikee and I had to go back to the airport to claim them all from “Lost & Found” which meant we traversed the airport up and down several times each time being told that our bags were in the opposite side. 🙂 (hey, you didn’t think it would be easy, did you?) Since there were no other people in the arrival area we had the privilege of loading every bag for x-ray and then 5 customs people to go through each and every item in each and every bag. Yep! All of it.
The kiddos have lots to tell about our trip.
We were gone for 5 weeks and flew into Florida (hit Tampa, Winterhaven, Orlando, Ormond Beach, Ft Lauderdale, Marco Island, Orlando again) and then drove up (stopped in Atlanta, Charlotte, Raleigh, Washington DC, Maryland, New York) to Rhode Island. 1800 miles!
Apparently the rumor here in Mexico was that we were not coming back. 😉
Before they take over the blog for a bit I just wanted to share a couple things-
- While we do miss our family and friends this life in Mexico has been a wonderful experience for our family and a very healthy environment to be raising our children in.
- It is a privilege to have such incredible friends. We so appreciate the time spent together. There were some times it didn’t work out to meet up -but next time.
- In the time we were out of the States everyone now has smart phones. e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e I feel like we fell asleep and woke up in another century. (felt like such a goober when someone handed me their phone and asked me to take a photo with it and I had no idea)
- These above mentioned phones have cool apps. My fav is one my friend Laurel introduced me to. GEO Q PONS will let you know any available sales in any place you are shopping.
- People can text while in the same room instead of real conversation. (not sure how I feel on that)
…and now I turn over the blog to the kiddos for the next couple days

Nothing is easy these days but I hope everything was still in the bags. We are so glad they weren’t lost forever. What a trip and opportunity to let all see that you & the kids are thriving in Mexico. You looked great, happy and content and although we miss u all, we know this is a great thing you are doing for your family. Love & miss u!!