We did a whole ton of cool things on this trip but one that tops the charts is…
Wow! I get to go first. I never get to go first. Usually I am in the middle.
OK. So where do I want to start? (because I’M FIRST!) 🙂
When my family first started to plan this trip and I found out we were going to Legoland, I was SO excited.
Did I like it? I LOVED IT!!!
My favorite ride is a coaster called Flying School.
[youtube 7cU5Oqxqqps]
Do you think this sign is funny? Would you even think of jumping off your seat?
People who remember Cypress Gardens will remember the scenes like this…
Legoland was built on the original Cypress Gardens property and they kept a lot of the feel of Cypress Gardens. Instead of the original Southern Belles walking around you can see these…
When you are walking into the gardens area they decorated the landscape with lego statues…
Some of you might know that I LOVE LEGOs. I could totally spend all day building with them! So you can imagine how excited I was walking into a LEGO theme park!
You may wonder what’s so special about LEGOLAND. True, LEGOLAND has cool rides, but the coolest thing is that there were statues and models made completely out of LEGOs! Some of them were pretty cool.
My favorite area is called Miniland, USA. They had huge models of famous US cities made out of…
yep, you guessed it, LEGOs!
Heres some pics.

Something special about Miniland is that it’s outside. However, it takes lots of people to help deal with things like trimming grass, or picking up models birds knocked over, or dealing with bird poop.
[youtube 0P_pi5dA7G4]
[youtube K8tVPrZ0ogU]
That is what I liked about LEGOLAND!
-Austin 8)
People think that little kids can’t ride coasters. You know what?
I loved the rides at Legoland. There were even 3 ROLLER COASTERS that I rode and they were great!
My favorite ride is when Momma and Dad swing me. But I also liked the other rides too. And I got my driver’s license. And I made a friend called “FLUFF” when we walked in the woods.
[youtube 7x8DnCuU7ro]
[youtube pHRqsuQSq0E]
[youtube NjlX8OG2YD4]
[youtube IFMXIse6gIo]
[youtube d6Nwt5DVnVE]
Wow I live here in Florida and didn’t know that much about legoland.Thank you for the tour.