So many exciting people and places. Can you tell the kiddos had a great time?
Austin noticed something special about our stops. Many people they have met and kiddos they are buds with are from friendships that go way back to people we met while doing volunteer work in New York 20 years ago. When we get together we have lots of fun stories and memories to laugh at. Now the next generation is building friendships and getting ready to have adventures of their own.
We have noticed that some people do not allow themselves the gift of getting to know new people. Maybe they feel nervous. Maybe they feel that people move often and it’s not worth it. Maybe they are protecting secret identities. That is kind of a shame and they are missing out on some true joy in life. (not to mention encouragement to keep on doing what is right)
People are interesting and amazing and crazy and frustrating. Some people you meet and form an instant bond. Some you need a little time as you get to respect each other first and then start to form a bond. Either way we are grateful to have crossed paths with many wonderful special people.
Yes, on this trip the kiddos went to some fun places and saw some cool things. But they mostly remember the people! New friends. Old friends.
Oh, and a trip to Rhode Island is really also about the food! I don’t know of many other places we have been that can compare to the food back there. Lots of international cuisine. Not to mention the fresh seafood and amazing italian food and the scrumptious bakeries. We didn’t get to all the places on our list but we filled our bellies pretty well. Was too busy eating to take pictures, but here are a couple…

One time I actually ate 13 hot weiners here. Won the contest!

Ginger Kitty's most favorite thing -a pink frosted Dunkin Donut

Chowda and clamcakes
…sorry, I get distracted thinking of some of the delicious food. OK, back to business.
…so, we left DC and started our way up to NY. We made a stop along the way to meet up with a new “old friend” and enjoy some quick time together. Thanks so much Frannie for the delicious homemade crab cakes (can’t make it through Maryland without them) and the sweet goody bags for the kiddos, but mostly for the gift of time we were able to spend together. Hope we can do that again and linger longer. 🙂
We made it to Wallkill NY that night and had fun unpacking the full car and snacking in our “bethel hotel room” before we all crashed for the night. We spent 2 nights at Bethel and this let us have the treat of enjoying morning worship on Tuesday and Wednesday. (by the way, I do think congratulations are in order for getting this whole troupe out of the room by 6:40 each morning -all dressed and ready to go) Thanks so much Super Dave and Terrific Trish! We loved every minute -and as always, we look forward to seeing you again.
It makes my heart smile to see my kiddos feel right at home at Bethel. Maybe someday we will visit and THEY will be the ones to take us on tour or host us for lunch. ::sigh::
Wednesday was a marathon day -in dress clothes. (and heels) We made it to 7am breakfast, said our good-byes (not really good-bye, more like “see ya later”) and loaded up the car and on the road to make it to Patterson NY by 11am. While there we had a very special tour of the Gilead classrooms. It was a real treat to have lunch with Grampy Norm. (we also had fun bumping into some old friends -so many) I am smiling just thinking about it. Our friend Jane was not able to meet us at Patterson so we went and popped in on her. Then, we hit the road again to finally reach Rhode Island!!! After some traffic and potty stops and McD’s sweat tea we pulled into the Warren Kingdom Hall at 7:28pm. It was so fun and felt so cool to walk into a place that we know so well. The kiddos had lots of fun catching up with so many friends.

Walkway Over the Hudson -1.25 mi long & most of that is 212 ft above the Hudson River. This is said to be the world's longest and highest pedestrian bridge.
The rest of the trip flew by in such a flash of visiting and eating and shopping and eating and catching up with family & friends and eating. We had 2 weeks with the family and could easily have had 2 more. But we did the best we could to spend some nice time really visiting. Still, we were not able to see everyone we wanted. 🙁 We sure did try our best.
It was a huge endeavor to take this trip and we love all of you so much. Now you can have the fun of coming and visiting us here. 😉
Our trip home was scheduled to take us from Boston to Dallas/Ft Worth to Guadalajara and get in nearly at midnight. While in Dallas they need 6 seats to get bumped. Of course Mikee went and was first to volunteer our 5 seats. This meant we were able to score ticket vouchers for us each to use for a future flight along with being put up in a hotel and meal vouchers. Our trip was altered to fly the next morning to Mexico City and then Guadalajara.
Have you flown over Mexico City? It is amazing! Humungous. Reaching out into mountains. Snow capped mountains!
We came home to find that 3 of our palm trees had mysteriously been chopped and the remains left in the yard. Not cool. We think we have figured out what happened but won’t waste your time with that story. Austin called it our, “Welcome back to Mexico” gift.
Loved, loved, loved the pictures! You guys had an unbelievable trip! Wish I could have spent more time with you all. Camille, our petit chat in Rite Aid was greatly appreciated by me!
What a great trip! Loved looking at all the pix.
Those food photos have made me feel incredibly hungry now! 😉
Yum, yum. I’m so hungry now! Now I know why we never see cars with license plates from Rhode Island. Rhode Islanders don’t ever leave. Why go anywhere when you have food that yummy!
What a beautiful family and what a fabulous adventure! I loved seeing all of your pictures – you’re a great photographer! It takes a brave person to move their family – what a story you have!