Last night we were enjoying time out on the terrace.
That just does not get old.
Dinner. Family. Outside. Can’t beat it!
The kiddos were keeping us entertained with charades and spontaneous dancing. (they made me promise not to show the video) 😉

As we were wrapping things up we heard it.
That distinctive noise.
A noise that makes you take a mental check of the calendar.
The sound of a single rainbird.
It started off quietly but is a fore-gleam of what is to come. The rainbirds start to “sing” six weeks before the rains start. (The first time I heard it, I thought it was a broken smoke detector)
Pretty soon it will be a constant sound throughout the day. It crescendos in the moments before dusk. The sound of a single rainbird will soon turn into an orchestra that comes along with warmer days as nature lets us all know that soon the rain will come to feed the mountain and lake.
Yay! I remember hearing my first rainbird. At that point I wasn’t excited for the rainy season b/c I didn’t know yet just how wonderful it is! I hope the next 6 weeks fly by and be sure to get out and DANCE during that first rain fall!!!
Camille and Faminly,
I am so glad that you have kept in touch with us.
I don’t know if I told you we have a grandson-Jordan david. He is now almost 7 months old and he gets better daily.
He looks just like his father-Dave Cahffee.
I will try to get a photo of him on my computer so I can send it to you.
He is such a joy. Makes getting up daily so much fun.
We think that Spring is here, but we never had winter. Strange-but that’s new England!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to all there,
Marge and Herb