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Friday is “family fun day” and last Friday we had a treat and went out for some fun.  We left early so we could start out with some yummy breakfast.  For a special splurge we went to a place called Mom’s Restaurant.



Then we visited a local animal shelter.  It is very easy for people to get pets here.  Actually, too easy.  The result is a lot of abandoned animals and very full shelters.  You can purchase any kind of animal here.  There are plenty of dogs and cats and exotic birds.  We have also seen wild birds, ducks, chickens, geese, iguanas, geckos, snakes, scorpions and even baby alligators.  Basically, if there is something you are interested in, it can be purchased as a pet here.

It used to be possible to walk right in the enclosure with the flamingos and peacocks, but that has changed.  There are beautiful birds there.  Of course, our little Ginger Kitty found her kitty friends right away.  Mikee was “playing” with the kittens by shining his LED light in the cage for them to chase.  There is also a beautiful (but naughty) parrot who barks.  Mikee and Austin took turns asking the parrot, “If I come close are you going to bite me?” to which the parrot would always say “YES” and then just to prove it start biting his perch.  Then they would ask, “Are you a nice bird?”  The bird’s answer, “NO!”

What a fun place!

[youtube X_PXg2c_I-M]

[youtube u6t2CxXSb-A]

[youtube JGGz58dQtI4]

[youtube 2xZTLerGtRI]

[youtube VOfVn2CANiA]

[youtube vDihxM2Ol3E]


I have a project to make for the girls jewelry.  We stopped by a wood shop to see if we could pick up some wood for it.  When this little project is done, I hope I like it enough to put up on pinterest.com.  The idea looks great in my imagination.  😉

Once we were back at home it was school time.  And then for a fun night of catching up on some America’s Got Talent.  Kitty’s favorite act had her in hysterics.

[youtube fZSTEDGgj5w]

We did have a brief bit of hail, which of course temporarily knocked out the internet.  But it came back on and we had a little bit of fun watching tv.

[youtube bIN8eNjaaYg]

Do you live outside the US or Canada?  Miss checking in on all the websites you are used to?  Check this out!  Huge thanks to Mikee for setting us up with getting US websites for tv and stuff.

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