…I married my my best friend and partner in this adventure we call life.
(no worries, I won’t get all gushy on y’all)
And how are we celebrating this anniversary?
We are in the middle of driving 1370 miles as we move from Lake Chapala (near the BIG city of Guadalajara) to our new home in Playa del Carmen (near the beach city of Cancun)
Last night we arrived at our friends house past Mexico City -kind of ragged and tired looking- and had a great visit. There was even the added surprise of finding out that their downstairs neighbors are friends of ours we met in Manzanillo. How cool is that? Not only that, but in a couple towns over is a family that we met way back when we were “checking things out” before our move to Mexico. Mexico is a large country but we are so thankful for the blessing of having a wide circle of friends. I hope our kiddos have a clue of how cool that is.

My biggest thank you of the day goes to the man that I am so glad to have married. Our life has never been boring but through it all I am so happy to be by your side. We managed to continuously work together and are raising a happy family.
We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird
And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours
We join up with them in mutual weirdness and call it love
-Dr Seuss
Happy Anniversary and best wishes in your new Home~Sweet~Home!
Happy anniversary! We just celebrated 26 years. Love this time of year, it was an awesome, off season, beautiful time to get married! Celebrate with a walk on the beach when you arrive at your new home.
Happy Anniversary!!! Friendship and appreciation in marriage makes for such a wonderful union.Nice blog in appreciation of one another.
…. and I like the way you note the brotherhood all over the world as well. Yes, we also hope Madi appreciates this aspect of the WHY we know good people and not just the fact that we know them! May you have a safe and happy move and we look so very forward to getting to know ALL your family much better…..
Happy Anniversary and safe journey! We miss you already. Love, Skally’s
Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people. You have a special bond 🙂
Happy Anniversary! I hope everything goes well with your move and you can go somewhere special for a meal together and call it your Anniversary. 🙂 Just being near such beautiful places is like an anniversary present! 🙂 I love the beautiful water and beaches you will be living near. I hope everything goes well with your ministry there. Love and hugs from Arkansas!
Happy Anniversary Mike & Camille! I hope your move is going smoothly and you can spend some down time together. Love to all of you…have a safe and happy journey.
We love you guys!! Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary!!! Love the Dr Seuss quote- how true that is
HI! We met last September in Cancun, I was your Bellboy at Royal Sands in Cancun and I would like to thank you for sharing your web site with me and my family, I would like to ask you to please send me to mi e-mail the picture you took me with your kids. Now that you are closer to Cancun I hope we could still in touch. Thank you for your friendship.