Now that our friends have left we are back to the day to day activities that make our life fly by so fast.
Mikee spent the day trying to get his server fixed so that our business can run.
Ginger Kitty is wrapping up her math class and working on her reading. India and Austin are wrapping up another school year.
Austin finished up his auxiliary pioneer service time for the month.
Laundry is back down to a small mountain. I am thankful to have a washing machine; and it even kind of dries. But it is an 8 hour process per each load.
My friend Jessica is doing her laundry by hand. She and her hubby and kiddos are living in Nicaragua for a bit. Check out their blog…
We are also back to the daily routine of fixin’ broken stuff
-like the floor tiles that are all popping up with the sound of a gunshot. There is really no grout and they are installed right up next to each other with very little adhesive. A recipe for success. 😉
-like the kiddos immigration that was filed nearly 2 months ago but still is not in any system.
-like the water shutting off for no apparent reason and then mysteriously coming back. Hurray for that!
-like solving the mystery of the sink drain that doesn’t.
The day to day things that we all have no matter what part of the globe we are living in.
I do love that at least we get to be in such a pretty place to spends our days -these days.

While we were in Playa del Carmen last week I snapped these photos of the kiddos. Can you believe we found a boat named GATITO? The very first thing Ginger Kitty learned in spanish was the word gatita. It is the spanish word for kitten.

Hi Camille, glad to hear that you guys are doing good aside from the fact that their so many things to get fixed and its a neverending story it seems like. The kids look really happy in those pics. Tell them Val and I say hello. Hope to see you guys in the near future.
Much love from the Ureña family!
Hi Enos Family! We feel privileged to be mentioned in your blog. 🙂 Our laundry mountain never goes away either. sigh…. When you’re out in service sweating and getting all dusty you have to wash your clothes every day! We love these pics. Seeing the boats and beach by you is great too. Keep up the good work! We look forward to getting our families together someday. 🙂
Good morning my friends. Love reading all your adventures and seeing pictures of your life in Mexico. So glad we could share a tiny piece of it last week. So looking forward to the time when we can visit you on your piece of Mexico. Charlie actually mentions it almost every day! Lots of love and hugs to all of you.