I have been checking on the pictures and reports of the blizzard in New England.
There are big headlines like…
Winter Storm Nemo: Historic Blizzard Expected
The running band at the bottom of the screen tells of…
Ferocious winds * Roads closed * State of emergency declared * Thousands without electricity * Heavy, wet snow pulling down trees and power lines * Hurricane strength winds bringing in snow large amounts of snow
You know it’s bad when The Weather Channel sends in Jim Cantore to do live reports. 😉

“But Mom, there’s no blizzards in Mexico.” Ginger Kitty is reading this title over my shoulder.
Just for the record, we (meaning India, Ginger Kitty and myself) are “wicked jealous” of everyone getting the snow. But we do hope everyone is safe too.
For us it was just another normal hectic day of school and work. It’s pretty hot and sunny here right now. Here is what we did this afternoon…

Sorry. Honestly, if you lived here where it is gorgeously sunny and tropical, wouldn’t you be tempted to put up pictures like these?
Ok, you said YOUR jealous. I’M jealous. As I was telling Mike, I wouldn’t even know there was a stone wall outside my terrace door. My car looks like a little bump in the landscape. Good news, though, I’m not working today. Enjoy your sunny weather!
Good morning Elly. Peter said there is 30 inches out the back door. We would love to see pictures. I know that there are a lot of people without electricity and that means no heat or water too. Glad you are safe! xoxo
Good afternoon Enos family! Well, all I can say is that Zoe had a great time out in our 30-36 inches of snow! We spent the whole day shoveling.. that’s right SHOVELING!! Lincoln, RI got slammed with snow! We lost power a couple times, but nothing long term like some of our friends in our congregation. Bobby & Sonya still have no power as of this afternoon. We are so happy you guys are doing well! Keep those beautiful pictures coming! Thanks so much!
Wow. It was cold here, but no snow, and the drought is the talk of farmers here this morning in service. But the pool sure looks good right now…….
Hi Guys, We miss you here on Dillon Lane. We measured about 19 inches here today and it took all day before we saw a town snow plow come down the road. A tractor did come by and make a one lane path so at least we had that. the power went out last night (Friday) and came back on at 4 this morning so it got a little chilly in the house last night, but we were cozy under the covers.The snow is beautiful on the lane. What a picture perfect wonderland! The Browns
something else we did during the blizzard is go “sledding” on our pool raft in the nice, warm ocean. 😉