…we spent the day trying to make sure the kiddos have legal status here in a foreign country.
Immigration issues have been taking up a lot of our time. That and the 3 wonderful weeks of company. And the problems with the few appliances we have to supposedly make our life a little easier but have been not working and making for floods in the apartment. Along with the flurry of activity that accompanies the circuit overseer visit and special assembly day that is 4 hours away. Mikee is still trying to work through all this while having major issues with the server that supports the blog and also ALL his work. Plus, credit card fraud. Then tire and car problems. Oh, and the going away party we had for our friend Patrick of 50 people. Let’s see. Anything else? Well, we still have school to tend to in the midst of this.
Anyway, we have been having lots of wonderful adventures to share with you but find that each day there is barely a moment to catch our breath. Working on it though. I live in a state of hopeful optimism that the day will be great and then the reality kicks in that each day is a mix of wonderful and dreadful. I chose to savor the wonderful and find a way to laugh at the rest.
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This is a picture of dehumidifying stuff. I use it in our closets and other closed off areas to absorb the moisture in the air. It works pretty well -even when the humidity here is at 85% like it was last week.
That is, it works pretty well unless you have a bottle with a leak that spills water all over the closet of suitcases you are trying to keep dry and mold free.