As usual, I really enjoyed reading the latest blog entry. It made me think of a recent entry on the…
Hello, my sis... It reminds me of fish I used to see in Jamaicaa... called Parrot Fish. http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/parrot-fish/ Really do…
that seems like it was a billion years ago!!
Hi Cambells! Our friends that were in that area have moved. I will try and check around to see if…
I knew Dean Johnson, secret marine biologist, would know the fish! Miss you guys and the beach. Want to return…
add me to the list
Add me to your list.
sounds like you’re having a great time. Good for you! We will definitely miss you! Take care. Amy ( the happy travel agent)
Your such a cool family! Got all caught up on your
family web page. Was that Jill with Dean and Laurel??
Can’t think of her last name at the moment, it will
come to me. Wow!! What memories have passed!
Jill Parker ! ???? Right??
You have a beautiful family, I’m excited for you all!!
All’s well at the hacienda! Miss you!
Pictures are beautiful! Miss you guys a whole bunch!!!
Miss you all bunches!!!! Love reading about your adventures.
Can’t wait to give you hugs!
Love ya
Looking forward to reading about all of your experiences!
Hello Camille and family,
I just met you this morning at service arrangement, and enjoyed my morning in service with Austin. So now I am home, I liked your family blog, and I have been talking to Jill Dillree on the phone…..What a dear she is to me.
So…..looking forward to seeing all of you at our meeting tomorrow night with the rest of the Joco Locos….
hugs, your sister nina
Thanks for setting up this blog – it’s great to live vicariously through someone else. I think the best part is that your kids will grow up with a great sense of adventure & realizing that it really is a small world. I wish you & your family the best of luck there & look forward to reading all about your wonderful experiences!
Hey Enos Family!!! We really miss you guys!! Please be sure to add me to your list!!! So excited to see your adventures!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Hi Guys. I hope you are having a great time. I have been reading your post and it sounds like u are having a great time. I wrote to u buy your e-mail about a month ago and haven’t heard from u. not sure if u got it or not.
Hi guys!
I love getting your updates. I’m actually jealous of all your adventures. I showed Abby and Tyler what their friends have been up to as well. take care. Amy O
Can’t wait to pick your brains and hear even more about your trip! I am going to miss my partner at the Circuit Assemblies. Who am I going to talk to now? 🙂
It was so interesting to read about Ajijic, Joco, and Manzanillo. We were in Ajijic for a few months in ’05. Found out I was very allergic to Jacarandas. Had to come back. My husband gave a talk in San Miguel de Allende and we went with an Australian couple to Manzanillo to give a talk. I remember the Dick family in Manzanillo. Are Trish and Pat Doyle still in the Ajijic area? They would probably be in the Joco cong if still there. We know the Mayfields and remember Jo and Earl McKenney (sp?). We had a very interesting experience at the KH in Ajijic. I turned around toward the door and saw a sister I knew about 45 yrs ago here in Garland (Dallas). She was visiting. English is exploding in Mexico. It’s very exciting!!! ys, Frances Wilhelm
Hey Guys! I am so glad you are on your way. The house is waiting for you and so is the sunshine!! No more dreary days of winter that are like dog years! I will follow you guys and hopefully get set up on skype soon.
….and to the kids, Austin, India and Ginger Gatito!! Kudos to you for being so brave!! To Mike & Camille….what can I say but that you are awesome for making this dream a reality with three kids and as crazy as that van looks, I wish Cam and I were with you!
Camille you need to put all your posts and other experiences into a book and have it published. Friends from Arizona (The Troans)did a family trip by boat from Miami to Tahiti. The four of them went to serve as need greaters. Lisa published a book about their adventures. It was quite exciting to say the least.
Enjoy your adventures…a lifetime of memories!!!!
Take care, be safe!
Kathy and Mitch
Hi guys, What an adventure! Better than Disney. Your amazing stories are very entertaining. Reality show maybe!
We see you are happy and we know that Jehovah will bless your family.
I am sure that all your household fix up jobs will be accomplished soon and all will be normal (well maybe not the frog in the drain, cute though) again.
Much love
Lauren and Frank and kids
sounds like things r off to a fun start. the kids really love your new pet . your view is spectacler . it snowed hear today . we were going 2 get the cool kitchenette today but ellie said the driveway might b slippery decided to hold off until another day .
Hi Enos Family,
So glad you are settled and enjoying life in Mexico. Austin’s class will be contacting him soon.
Mrs. Correa
i sent you guys a request 🙂
Hi Everyone!
WOW, What a wonderful change you have made. I’m so jealous. The kids are doing fine. And parents, too. Oh Mike is quite the mussel man. Well, 81 degrees is awesome, if only you could see it now. S N O W………………….Looking forward to hearing more… Margaret
Wow! What a great place! I love reading about the fresh juice; it’s one of my favorite things here in Laos, too. Keep up the great work. I look forward to reading more.
hey you guys!!!!!!We’re on vacation this week so I finally had time to go on line and find you. Hope you all are well. I miss seeing the kids and talking to you Camille. I always enjoyed our talks. Some snow flurries this week but no inches. Rainy and cloudy today-stuck in the house.Just looking at these pictures of the blue skies and palm trees makes me feel better!Got to go it’s dinner time. Keep in touch. Look forward to reading your blog and hearing from you. All’s well at Gardner. Say “hi” to the kids for me. Mrs.C……
hello mrs castelo. so nice to hear from you. we are doing well. i hear you have a brutal winter. hope you get some sun soon. thanks so much for remembering us. you have been a special part of my kiddos life for quite a while now. 🙂 take care
Hi guys, you know me the girl with the messy counter. Just found your business card and signed on to find out how you guys were doing. your posts are so informative and enlightening. I love the beautiful pictures of your view from your new home. Didn’t know that Mexico had water problems. When we went to Bermuda for our honeymoon, we learned that they collect water from their roofs. Here back in the states, i guess we take water for granted. although, when we lose power in a storm, we don’t have water because we have well water. we miss seeing you taking your walks down the street, but are glad you’re living your dream. Love, Ginny
Hello Enos family from your Mex. English ‘neighbors’ in Acapulco! Found your site and wanted to welcome you to Mexidonia – my husband and I have been here four years + and enjoy getting to know other friends who have moved here. We seem to have some mutual friends – Mitch/Kathy Birdwell! We worked with them on the Assembly Hall project in Georgia! If you send me a personal email, I will send our contact info. We’re always happy to share any tidbits that will help you acclimate to Mexico and hope we’ll meet you in person at one of the assemblies.
Claire Janvary
Hola Claire. Will you be in Morelia in May? It would be nice to meet in person.
Just got your package- thanks so much for thinking of us! And Mexico looks so amazing by the way!!!
I can’t get over how much Austin looks like you, Michael, and how much India looks like Bonnie and India’s great-grandmother Marge. You are so interesting in your writing. I know Jackson misses Austin because I understand he used to spend time with Austin when Bethany was working. Jackson was 12 yesterday. Michael, does your dad have an e-mail address? Sometimes I send him a card to know that we care about him but I’d like to e-mail him if possible.
Arlene Gilliland
This year we will be attending the C.A. in Georgia , as we have to work a couple of months each summer in order to live here the rest of the year (tortillas are cheap but not free!!!) We’ll be at the D.C. in Queretaro in August – are you assigned to that one? If you have a personal email, I’d love to send you our personal photo website (friends and family only). My personal email is cjanvary@aol.com.
Hey, Just have a moment here….but absolutely LOVED your webpage. Especially the “Why Move” section. Excellently written. I truly hope that Madi can get to know your children someday, she saw the pic’s and would love to come visit there. Our Spanish is completely rusty, but we did take a trip to DR a couple years ago to visit friends pioneering there and had a great time. But even if we can’t make it….we will enjoy seeing your blogs and hearing of your life there and experiences and it will be so encouraging.
I enjoyed your comments with the “no water” picture too. Wow. How quickly life in the States can make you fail to appreciate what most of the world lives with. And yet our friends can be just as content with little as with much, when the focus is right.
Hope to keep in touch, love Susan
susan! it would be awesome for our kids to get to know each other! they can carry on the good (and maybe some of the funny) traditions of their parents. 😉 xoxo
I hope the puppy is still around when you get back from Puerta Villarta (I just know that’s spelled wrong) and that someone has been feeding him in your absence. He’s wanting good people to take him in (you ARE good people, aren’t you?) Knowing your Grandpa Paul, you HAVE to be good people. Anyway, we have two rescue cats. One is lying right in front of this screen making it difficult to write; however, he is KING. Bro. Gilliland worked at the phone company before he retired 10 years ago and this tomcat would sleep in the phone company building during the day but they had to put him out at night – out on U.S. Rt. 1 that runs from Florida to the Canadian border in Maine. He used to belong to someone because he was neutered. Byron brought him home and named him Hobo since he was just a bum off the street. Then two years ago we had a terrible flood in Daytona Beach. Our house was Ground Zero. I couldn’t even get into our neighborhood because the water was so deep. Byron called me at 1:00 p.m. and told me to come home from work immediately. My boss told me I had to stay because he needed an Order to give to a judge at 4:00 p.m. I told my boss to tell the judge he’d just have to wing it but I didn’t get home soon enough. Our neighborhood was flooded and I had to leave my Lincoln out on the main road. When I walked four blocks in to our house the water was half way up my thighs. If Byron had taken his Corvette out to get me, he would have needed a periscope so we were trapped in our house for four days. Just two days before that Byron had brought a Maine Coon cat home who belonged to my magazine route call. He saved her life because her owner was in the hospital and never came home. Byron made a cat food run every day to feed her cats without anyone asking him to and this Maine Coon with her big fluffy tail straight up in the air and adorable face would come running when she saw our car. She doesn’t meow, she squeaks and that is her name – Squeaks. But Byron calls her Itty-Bitty. However, she is not so itty-bitty now after regular meals. Maine Coons are the largest domesticated cat in the U.S. so, Austin, please talk your parents into keeping the puppy if it is still around when you get back. Grandpy Norm came and stayed with us for almost a week a week ago and we had a great time. Hope you have a good time on your vacation! Love you all.
please add me to your list! It’s nice to see you are all enjoying yourselves and working hard as well… shopping sounds F-U-N!!!! Miss you!!
Hey guys, it’s so nice to hear from you, this is a cool thing you have going on. I’ve read all your adventures especially the most recent one about the kiddos education you guys are such great parents! The kids are getting SOO big! I can’t believe it, time passes to fast. I was looking thru my photo album (yes I still have one of those!) and I found a picture of Austin, Andrew, Carley, Kristen at the beach with another boy who I am forgetting his name, oh well! and it brought back good memories. The kids here are doing good, trying to stay busy. Andrew graduated last year, Carley is graduating this year and will begin regular pioneering this Sept.and Miss Kristen is going to 10th grade. I can’t beileve it! Well it was so nice to hear from you guys and to know that you are doing very well. Give my love to the family….Adios, Alvita
I remember that beach day! That was fun. So are any other time that our paths happen to cross. You are a magnificent momma chica. Glad to hear your family is doing well. xoxo
My husband and I visited Mazatlan, Mexico in May 2011 for a vacation. While we were there we visited an English congregation and met many friends. Many who moved down after vacationing and realized the need was great and so decided to move permantley. We were also so surprised to see how many North Americans moved down there for a lower cost of living, better weather etc. My husband and I were very intrigued by this idea and the seed was planted in our minds. Since May we’ve been considering the idea and trying to research what we’d do for money, what location would be right for us etc.. Then at the recent Thursday night meeting the part given on moving to Macedonia really made our conviction stronger. So I started researching on-line. I came across your blog and wondered if you could give us some information on your findings there. If you can share any recommendations with me I’d really appreciate it. Mazatlan is on our list of considerations but thought we should look at other places too.
Thank you,
Stacy Lancaster
Hey guys! Just recenly found link in buried email. Been trying to catch up on all your blogs but just wanted to say hi and so happy you went for it! Seems like just last summer we were talking about it over lunch at Pat w G Norm and voila! You grabbed the bull by the horns, stuffed him in the trunk, somehow! And drove him all the way to Mexico…twice, and back once! The kids are amazing and so happy. Jehovah’s richest blessings on yOu all! Can’t wait to finish reading about your adve….I mean, experience. So far, mike just stuffed the one last thing in the van….that was a riot! Hope it is still giving you a great night’s rest.
Ed and Diana
Hello, I have enjoyed reading about your adventures. I am planning to travel from Australia to Mexico in December with 3 of my 4 children aged 17 to 23. Would really like some advice on places to see. We only have around 4 weeks but hope this will be an opportunity for them to see they can live outside the box. We would like to see Guanajuato and have friends in Puerto Escondido and friends lived in San Cristobal previously too. Thank you so much. Julie
Thanks for the nice site. My wife Lori and I are regular pioneers and would love to pioneer out of the cold and rain of the Pacific Northwest during the winter months. We hope to check out Lake Chapala and/or Guanajuanto. Any information is very helpful for our planning. May Jehovah bless your efforts.
Good adternoon Enos family. My name is Seth Taylor from Yuma Arizona. We are a family of four witnesses just starting to get involved with the English congregations in The border cities of San Luis Sonora and Los Algodones Sonora Mexico. I look forward to making a connection.