Haven’t had much time to blog these days. It isn’t that we are bored and have nothing interesting going on. But since we started to home school the kids, our days have become even more packed.
Yep, you heard me correctly. We are having to pursue a different avenue for our children’s education. It took several months of working out the details but the kiddos going to Instituto Terranova was not working out. Our appreciative thanks go out to Sr Blum the Director and Marina the Education Coordinator and especially to Leticia and Anna for all their daily assistance.
We will not go into all the details yet but that post is coming. We have had quite a few people who are considering moving to this area question us about what is available for schools and the quality of education. (it’s very exciting to see how popular our blog is getting!!) I will give you a more circumstantiated post in just a bit. Please just let us catch our breath (again) and get this matter settled with the school first.
Jehovah will bless all your efforts in taking such good care of your beautiful children!
Love you guys Miss you Nicole
Camille I have no doubt that you and Mike are already and will continue to gbe the best teachers your children will ever have.