The truck that we loaded back in Massachusetts left for it’s own journey the same day we did. Thursday, December 30 -that feels like ages ago.
We walked into our new home on Wednesday, January 5 -that also feels so long ago.
The truck’s journey took 2 weeks longer than ours.
Once we finished packing everything, we put a wall up. That secures the items so they don’t move and other stuff follows. I think that everything was packed so organized and tightly that even a mouse could not squeeze into any spaces.
The truck went from our house to a trucking depot in Rhode Island. (remember, we had the driver that wasn’t the “sharpest tool in the shed”. he actually thought that Mexico was near Canada) Then onto several other depots to pick up more loads until the 28′ trailer is completely full as it traveled to the border.
It stops at trucking depots to make sure it has a full load and then gets to the border in Laredo, Texas. Then it goes through customs. We think it might get x-rayed (not sure) and the customs agents check out the very detailed manifest before getting the ok to travel through Mexico. (remember the red light/green light customs process) Then it waits to receive permission to pass. I would imagine it ends up on one of the double trailers we see along the way. (did you see our video of passing these double trailers on narrow highways? -eek!)

Winston is our man from Lake Chapala Moving and has been keeping us informed of the progress.
The trailer will arrive to the Guadalajara Terminal for the trucking company during the weekend.
They usually do not deliver to the Lake Area on Mondays, as it is their heavy inbound day in Guad, and most of the time deliver until Tuesday.
But I will try to convince them for a Monday Delivery. if not, worst case scenario is Tuesday 10 am.
Trailer has finally crossed.Customs validated the import paperwork, and it is moving to the trucking facility now.More details to follow…. Hurray!
[youtube G9ekOVzJlYc]
Is kitty’s litter box in the truck? 🙂
Love the expression on her face!
Glad it all finally arrived for you. I’m sure it will all start to be a bit more like home now. Well home plus adventures!