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What can a momma do in a single morning?

Get up and normal house stuff, get out the door by 6:30am with Austin to drive 30 minutes to the service group, accidentally squish his finger in the electric window while parking, (sorry dude), drive to the nearest open Walmart and Chedrauii which are on the other side of town for groceries, patiently wait while the employee people stock the shelves so that I can actually buy the items on my list, get a phone call from India and then GET PULLED OVER BY THE POLICE.

BTW… It’s illegal to talk on your cellphone while driving in Mexico.

… next get to Kelly’s house because it is 90 degrees and she graciously said I could put my couple cold items in her fridge so they don’t get rancid in the car, help her out with an errand, drive the 2 of us to City Club (the Mexico version of Sam’s Club) and as soon as we get there, receive a text from Austin that the group is finished back in downtown, pick up several kilos of limes and hurry out of that store to drive to the other side of town to pick up Austin and some visiting friends, bringing Kelly along but get a call that we need to hurry back to her place because someone is waiting, so U-turn and hurry back to her place, then back to the other side of town, pick up Austin, bring the friends by their place to change and grab some stuff, drive everyone back down 30 minutes to Puerto Aventuras, feed my troops lunch, get a call that some friends are in the neighborhood and would like to stop by…

This was all by 1pm.

“What about the police part?” you say.

Oh, that was fun.  Basically, about 10 minutes into the process I realized that he was not interested in giving me a ticket and having me actually go to the police station so it was a waiting game that went on for nearly a half hour.  He was waiting for me to wave some money and get things over and I was waiting for him to give up and just leave.  And that is what happened.  He finally just exasperatedly waved me away.  I still wasn’t sure so I sat and waited for him to leave -just in case my understanding was wrong- which he finally did.


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  • admin January 22, 2013, 8:22 am

    Slow day heh? You on vacation? hahaha

  • Hallie January 22, 2013, 1:30 pm

    Phew! I’m so glad it all went well and that he was just a scammer. Those guys are everywhere! Also, that schedule is crazy and only you could pull it off! Tell Austin that windows are for air, not fingers. 😛

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