Today is Friday.
Tomorrow morning we head to Manzanillo which is on the Pacific Coast. (It was where they filmed the movie “10” with Bo Derek , remember the corn-row hair? back in 1979)
EVERYONE tells us it is VERY hot. But since we’re staying in a 3 bedroom condo on the beach, we’ll just live in the pool or boogie boarding in the ocean to cool off. Yep, it’s a tough life but someone has to do it! 😉
Before we left this area we wanted to visit the outdoor market. They call it a Tiengues (no idea about spelling but sounds something like “Tea-Eng-Guess”.
You can buy tons of different things there. Fresh fruit & vegetables, bootleg CDs & DVDS, clothing, Pizza (yum!), and sooo many other things.
We bought fresh shrimp just brought in from the coast for about $4.50 a pound, made some delicious guacamole with fresh avocados, and had some other local yummies at a great dinner out on our terraza (outside porch) with some friends we’ve made down here.
There is also a local artist market where you can see some very interesting hand crafted works.
I would have loved to go to that market…especially to see the handmade crafts!
Great Blog, Great Family, Great Photos, Great Family Motto.
If you have some free time check out my blog on living, working, and playing at Lake Chapala.
Here’s the link